- Ford and L. Pruitt, “The interaction between annealing temperature and strain on the structural organization of polycarbonate polyurethane,” World Congress on Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, July (2018).
- Malito, R.O.Ritchie, B. Gladovatz, A. Bellare, and L. Pruitt, “Fracture of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene: The role of crosslinking, antioxidants and microstructure on fracture toughness,” International Conference on the Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, Kerkrade, Netherlands, March (2018).
- Arevalo and L. Pruitt, “An Investigation on the Effects of Loading Rate and Hydration on the Surface Mechanical Properties of Polycarbonae Urethane,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, New Orleans, March (2018).
- Bonnheim, M.D. Ries, B. Glaser, A. Gleason, D.W. Van Citters, “Surface Damage of Retrieved Oxidized Zirconium Implants,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, March (2018).
- Ford, S. Li, J. Sov, A. Bellinski, and L. Pruitt, “The Impact of Cyclic Loading Frequency on Fatigue Crack Growth in Polycarbonate,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, March (2018).
- Malito, A. Kozak, S. Speigelberg, and L. Pruitt, “Methodology for capturing mechanical properties of Ultra-HighMolecular-Weight-Polyethylene for orthopaedic implant design,” International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Biomaterials and Tissues, Waikola, HI, December (2017).
- Bonnheim, F. Ansari and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Behavior in PEEK Composites,” International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Biomaterials and Tissues, Waikola, HI, December (2017).
- Ford and L. Pruitt “The Impact of Strain on the Microstructure of Polycarbonate Polyurethane,” International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Biomaterials and Tissues, Waikola, HI, December (2017).
- Malito, A. Kozak, S. Speigelberg, and L. Pruitt, “Characterization Methods for Structure-Property Relationships in Clinical Formulations of UHMWPE.” International Conference on Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene for Implant Applications, Turin, IT, October (2017).
- Arevalo and L. Pruitt, “An investigation on the surface and bulk mechanical properties of clinically relevant UHMWPE formulations using na noindentation and compression testing,” International Conference on Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene for Implant Applications, Turin, IT, October (2017).
- Ford, S.C. Li, J. Sov, and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Crack Growth in Polycarbonate Polyurethane,” International Conference on Fracture, Rhodes, Greece, June (2017).
- Malito, B. Gludovatz, M. Jung, R.O. Ritcie, and L. Pruitt, “Compliance Calibration for Fracture and Fatigue of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene CT Specimens,” International Conference on Fracture, Rhodes, Greece, June (2017). 13. N. Bonnheim, M. Regis, P. Bracco, F. Ansari, and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Crack Propagation in Fiber-Reinforced Polyetheretherketone, “International Conference on Fracture, Rhodes, Greece, June (2017).
- Kryder, L. Malito, M. Chang and L. Pruitt, “Analysis of the Change in Radius of Retrieved Reverse Total Shoulder Replacements,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, San Diego, CA, March (2017).
- Arevalo, L. Malito and L. Pruitt, “ A Comparison of the surface and bulk mechanical properties of Ultra-HighMolecular-Weight-Polyethylene Infused with Vitamin E,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, San Diego, CA, March (2017).
- Bonnheim, M. Regis, A. Glavin, F. Ansari, P. Bracco, and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Crack Propagation in PEEK,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, San Diego, CA, March (2017).
- Malito, N. Bonnheim, L.Li, T. Lee, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Effect of Ultra-High-MolecularWeight-Polyethylene Composition on Radius of Curvature and Glenohumeral Conformity in Prosthetic Glenoids: A Retrieval Study,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, San Diego, CA, March (2017).
- Ford, S. Li, E. Givental, and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Crack Growth Of Polycarbonate Urethane Compared To Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,”Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, San Diego, CA, March (2017).
- Malito, N. Bonnheim, L.Li, T. Lee, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Bearing Surface Damage Analysis of Anatomical and Reverse Total Shoulder Replacements: Retrieval Analysis Across Fixation Designs and UHMWPE Compositions,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, MD, June, 2016. 20. N. Bonnheim, M. Regis, A. Glavin, F. Ansari, P. Bracco, and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Crack Propagation in Carbon Fiber Reinforced PEEK,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, Orlando, FL, March (2016).
- Arevalo, F. Ansari, L. Malito and L. Pruitt, “Surface Mechanical Properties of Vitamin E infused Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE),” Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, Orlando, FL, March (2016).
- Malito, N. Bonnheim, L. Li, T. Lee, S.B. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries and L. Pruitt, “Damage Analysis of Anatomical and Reverse Total Shoulder Replacements: Retrieval Analysis Across Fixation Designs and UHMWPE Composition,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, Orlando, FL, March (2016).
- Bonnheim, S. Chou, T. Norris, and L. Pruitt, “Evidence of cell-induced corrosion in reverse total shoulder implants,” International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Biomaterials and Tissues, Waikola, HI, December 2015.
- Malito, N.B. Bonnheim, F.A. Ansari, S.C. Chou, S.G. Gunther, T.N. Norris, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt “Bearing Surface Damage of Anatomical and Reverse Total Shoulder Replacements: Retrieval Analysis Across Fixation Designs and UHMWPE Composition,” International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Biomaterials and Tissues, Waikola, HI, December 2015.
- Ansari, B. Gludovatz, R.O.Ritchie, and L. Pruitt, “Notch fatigue in UHMWPE: a linear elastic fracture mechanics approach and implications for total joint replacement design,” International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Biomaterials and Tissues, Waikola, HI, December 2015.
- Gramling, A. Belinski, J. Sov, T. Norris, S. Gunther, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “ The Possibility of a Cell-Induced Corrosion of Metallic Bearing Surfaces in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Devices,” International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Biomaterials and Tissues, Waikola, HI, December 2015.
- Gramling, N. Bonnheim, M. Ries, S. Shukla, and L. Pruitt, “ In-vivo Fracture of a Cobalt-Chromium Fracture Stem,” International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Biomaterials and Tissues, Waikola, HI, December 2015.
- Malito, N. Bonnheim, F. Ansari, S. Chou, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries and L. Pruitt, “Bearing Surface Damage of Anatomical and Reverse Total Shoulder Replacements: Retrieval Analysis Across Fixation Designs and UHMWPE Composition,” International Meeting of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, Philadelphia, October 2015.
- Ansari, N. Bonnheim, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Notch Fatigue of UHMWPE: A Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Approach,” International Meeting of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, Philadelphia, October 2015.
- Chou, I. Yang, N. Bonnheim, F. Ansari, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries and L. Pruitt, “Damage Analysis of Metallic and Polymeric Bearings Used in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, Snowbird, UT. June 2015.
- Bonnheim, M. Ries, S. Shukla, and L. Pruitt, “Damage Analysis of Retrieved Zirconium Femoral Components for Total Knee Arthroplast: Can Wear Breach the Oxide Layer,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, Snowbird, UT. June 2015.
- Berthelet, F. Ansari, T. Norris, S. Gunther, M. Ries and L. Pruitt, “Design Considerations for Glenoid Components: A Computational Stress Analysis of Translational Motion in Shoulder Replacements,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, Snowbird, UT. June 2015.
- Malito, F. Ansari, L. Li, H. Park,T. Norris, S. Gunther, M. Ries and L. Pruitt, “Bearing Surface Damage Analysis of Shoulder Replacement Retrievals Across Fixation Designs and UHMWPE Composition,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, Snowbird, UT. June 2015.
- Gramlin, A. Srinivasan, and L. Pruitt, “Mechanical Characterization and a Computational Wear Model for Polycarbonate Urethane as a Bearing Material,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, Snowbird, UT. June 2015.
- Ansari, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Notch Fatigue of Clinically Relevant UHMWPE: A Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Approach,” International Meeting on the Deformation, Yielding and Fracture of Polymers, Rudlic, Netherlands. April (2015).
- Gramling, A. Srinivasan and L.Pruitt, “Mechanical and Wear Characterization of Polycarbonate Urethane as a Viable Option for Total Shoulder Replacements,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV, March 2015.
- Ansari, L. Malito, T. Lee, S.B. Gunther, T.R. Norris, and L. Pruitt, “Analysis of Severely Fractured Glenoid Components: Clinical Consequences of Radiation Sterilization and Crosslinking on UHMWPE,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV, March 2015.
- Malito, F.Ansari, L. Li, T. Lee, H. Park, S.B. Gunther, T.R. Norris, M.Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Bearing Surface Damage Analysis of Total Shoulder Replacement Retrievals Across Fixation Designs and UHMWPE Composition,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV, March 2015.
- Ansari, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Notch Fatigue of Untreated and Crosslinked UHMWPE: A Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Approach,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV, March 2015.
- Parrish, F. Ansari and L. Pruitt, “A Computational Analysis of Contact Stresses in the Glenoid Component of Shoulder Implants,” World Congress of Biomechanics, 1391, Boston, July 2014.
- Malito, F. Ansari, J. Koller, C. Cruz, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Bearing Surface Damage Analysis of Total Shoulder Replacement Retrievals with Varying Fixation Designs,” World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, July 2014.
- Ansari, L.Malito, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Analysis of Surface Damage on Retrieved Total Shoulder Replacements,” World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, July 2014.
- Usoff and L. Pruitt, “The Importance of Retrievals in Implant Design: Case Study of a Broken Intramedullary Nail,” World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, July 2014.
- Malito, F. Ansari, J. Koller, C. Cruz, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “ Bearing Surface Damage Analysis of Shoulder Replacement Retrievals with Varying Fixation Designs,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, March 2014.
- Swan, F. Ansari, R. Cheng, T.R. Norris, S.B Gunther, M. Ries and L.Pruitt, “ Microscale Analysis of Linear Abrasion and Scratching Damage on Cobalt-Chrome Humeral Head Retrievals using 3D Profilometry,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, March 2014.
- Malito, F. Ansari, J. Koller, C. Cruz, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “ Bearing Surface Damage Analysis of Coupled Shoulder Replacement Retrievals,” 6th International Conference on Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, Turin, Italy, October 2013.
- Ansari, E. Patten, J. Chang, S. Chou, A. Mehdizah, M. Kury, J. Huddlestein, B. Jewett, D. Mickelson, H. Kim, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Failure Analysis of Crosslinked UHMPWE Implants with Stress Concentrations,” 6th International Conference on Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, Turin, Italy, October 2013.
- Ansari, E. Patten, J. Chang, S. Chou, A. Mehdizah, M. Kury, J. Huddlestein, D. Mickelson, H. Kim, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Designing for Crosslinked UHMPWE Implants: Clinical Consequences of Stress Concentrations,” ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, OR, June 2013.
- Ansari, J. Koller, A. Swan, S. Kung, S.B. Gunther, T.R. Norris, M. D. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Macro- and Microscale Analysis of Surface Damage on Total Shoulder Replacements,” ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, OR, June 2013.
- Ansari, C. Major, S.B. Gunther, T.R. Norris, M. D. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Design Analysis: Modular Reverse Total Shoulder Prosthetic Failure without Proximal Bone Support,” ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, OR, June 2013.
- Wang, F. Ansari, E. Patten, R. Shelby and L. Pruitt, “The Impact of a First-Year Leadership and Service Learning Module: A Follow-up Study,“ Annual Meeting of the American Society of Engineering Education, Atlanta, GA, June, 2013. 52. E. Patten, D. VanCitters, M.D.Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Development of a Rolling-Sliding Tribo-sysytem for Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,“ Annual Meeting of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, Detroit, MI, May 2013.
- Malito, F. Ansari, A. Mehdizadeh, J. Koller, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Bearing Surface Damage Analysis of Coupled Total Shoulder Replacement Retrievals,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Boston, April 2013.
- Ansari, E. Patten, J. Chang, S. Chou, A. Mehdizadeh, M. Kury, J. Hiddlestein, B. Jewett, D. Mickelson, H. Kim, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Clinical Implications of Crosslinked UHMWPE Implants with Stress Concentrations: A Retrieval Analysis, “Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Boston, April 2013.
- Ansari, E. Alvarez, M. Harman, L. Pruitt, M. Mayor, and D. Van Citters, “ Metal Bearing Surfaces in Total Joint Arthroplasty,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Boston, April 2013.
- Ansari, E. Beitel, A. Swan, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries and L. Pruitt, “Analysis of Scratching Damage on Cobalt Chrome Humeral Head Retrievals Using 3D Profilometry,” 1857, Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, TX, January, 2013.
- W. Patten, N. McPeek-Bechtoold, C.M. Cruz, F. Ansari, M.D. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “The Effects of Sliding, Rolling and Rotation on Cross-Shear and Wear of UHMWPE in Knee Replacements,” Summer Bioengineering ASME Meeting, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, June 2012.
- Ansari, E.W. Patten, C.M. Cruz, E. Beitel, A. Swan, S.B. Gunther, T.R. Norris, M.D. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Profilometry Analysis of a Novel Damage Scoring Method for Metal Bearing Surfaces of Shoulder Replacements,” Summer Bioengineering ASME Meeting, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, June 2012.
- Shelby, F. Ansari, E. Patten, L. Pruitt, G. Walker and J. Wang, “Leadership and Service Learning Improves Engineering Skills in Women,” Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, San Antonio, TX, June 2012
- W. Patten, N. McPeek-Bechtold, M.D. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Microstructural Evolution of UHMWPE under Clinically Relevant Sliding Conditions,“ 15th International Conference on the Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, Kerkrade, Netherlands, April 2012.
- Ansari, E.W. Patten, C.M. Cruz, J.H.Lee, S.B. Gunther, T.R. Norris, M.D. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Novel Damage Scoring Method for Evaluation of CoCr Humeral Head Surfaces,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, March 2012.
- W. Patten, E. Swan, Beitel, A. Swan, F. Ansari, C.M. Cruz, S.B. Gunther, T.R. Norris, M.D. Ries, and L. Pruitt,” Classification of Scratches on Retrieved Cobalt Chrome Humeral Heads Using 3D Profilometry,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, March 2012.
- W. Patten, M.D. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Cross-shear and Rolling/Sliding Wear of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, March 2012.
- W. Patten, N. McPeek-Bechtold, M.D. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “A Multi-directional Tribosystem: Testing the Cross-shear and Rolling/Sliding Wear of UHMWPE for Total Knee Replacements,“ Annual Meeting of the ASME/ STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, Los Angeles, October 2011.
- Ansari, E.W. Patten, C.M. Cruz, S.B. Gunther, T.R. Norris, M.D. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “A scoring method to quantify the mode, severity, and geometric extent of damage to bearing surfaces of joint replacements,” ASME Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference, Irvine, CA, September, 2011.
- Pruitt, “Tradeoffs in Crosslinked UHMWPE used in Total Joint Arthroplasty,” International Conference on UHMWPE, Philadelphia, PA, September 2011.
- Pruitt, “Fatigue Fracture Resistance of Orthopedic Grade UHMWPE: The Role of molecular, mechanical and clinical variables,” International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Biomaterials and Tissues, Hawaii, December 2011. 68. E. Patten, M.E. Carney, P. Johnson, T. Hong, A.J. ALmaguer and L. Pruitt, “A Multi-direction Tribosysytem: Testing of Wear of UHMWPE under Rolling, Sliding and Rotation,” Summer ASME Conference on Bioengineering, Farmington, PA, 2011.
- Pruitt “Introduction to Engineering Design for Freshman: Implementation of Leadership and Service Learning for Broadening Engineering Ingenuity,“ Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Vancouver, CANADA, June 2011.
- J. Almuegar, S. Chen, M. Ford and L. Pruitt, “Building Engineers and Mentors: A Model Program for university partnerships with local k-12 schools,” Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Vancouver, CANADA, June 2011.
- J. Almuegar, S. Chen, M. Ford and L. Pruitt, “Berkeley Engineers and Mentors,” Annual Meeting of the PacificSouthwest Chapter of the American Society for Engineering Education, Fresno, CA, April 2011.
- Patten, C. Cruz, A. Mehdizadeh, S. Assadian, and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Crack Propagation of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene-Conformity of Compact Tension Specimen Geometry to ASTM E 647,” Annual Meeting of the Society of Biomaterials, Orlando, FL, April 2011.
- Pruitt, S. Atwood, E. Patten, “Body by Design: A model for K-12 outreach in engineering education,“ Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Louisville, KY, June 2010.
- Atwood, E. Patten, L. Pruitt, “Outreach Teaching, Communication, and Interpersonal Skills Encourage Women and may Facilitate their Recruitment and Retention in the Engineering Curriculum,” Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Louisville, KY, June 2010.
- Patten, S. Atwood, L. Pruitt, “Use of Learning Styles for Teamwork and Professional Development in a Multidisciplinary Course,” Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Louisville, KY, June 2010. 76. E. Patten, S. Atwood, R. Tsay, J.Y. Zhou, D,C. Sun, and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue and Wear Performance of a High Temperature Treated and Cross-linked Polyethylene,” Annual Meeting of the Society of Biomaterials, Seattle, WA, April, 2010.
- Atwood, E. Patten, M. Ries, L. Pruitt, “ Wear Behavior of First and Second Generation Crosslinked Polyethylene,” 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, March 2010.
- Atwood, E. Patten, K. Bozic, L. Pruitt and M.D. Ries, “Double-Modular Hip Device Design Susceptible to Stress Corrosion Failure,” ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, June 2009.
- Pruitt, “ Structural Requirements for Biomaterials in Load-Bearing Applications,” 14th International Meeting on the Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, Eindhoven, Netherlands, April 2009.
- Furmanski, C. Rimnac, and L. Pruitt, “Brittle Fatigue Crack Propagation in UHMWPE and its implications for total joint replacements,” 14th International Meeting on the Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers,” Eindhoven, Netherlands, April 2009.
- Furmanski, B. Fritzx, L. Pruitt and C. Rimnac, “Rapid Crack Initiation at Notches in Cross-linked Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV, February 2009.
- Furmanski, R. Lehman, E. Schasner, V.M. Goldberg, M.J. Kraay, L. Pruitt and C. Rimnac,” In vivo Crack Initiation in Retrieved Crosslinked UHMWPE Acetabular Liners,” 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV, February 2009.
- Atwood, D.W. Van Citters, J. Furmanski, M.D. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Oxidative Stability and Fatigue Behavior of Below-Melt Annealed and Remelted Crosslinked UHMWPE,” 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV, February 2009.
- Kane, P. Ashby and L.Pruitt, “Wear Behavior of PEGylated UHMWPE Surfaces for Total Hip Replacements, “ World Congress on Biomaterials, Amsterdam, May 2008.
- Li and L. Pruitt, “Zone Specific Changes in Micromechanical, Biochemical and Structural Properties in Articular Cartilage from a Rabbit Joint Model,” Annual Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, 1097-GG0110, April 2008.
- Furmanski, S. Atwood, M. Ries, S. Greenwald and L. Pruitt, “Catastrophic Rim Fracture of Four Highly Crosslinked Acetabular Liners,” 75th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, P. 022, March 2008.
- Atwood, J. Furmanski, A. Kilgour, and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Behavior and Static Properties of Second-Generation UHMWPE,” 75th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, p. 062, March 2008.
- Furmanski, S. Gupta, S. Atwood, and L. Pruitt, “Creep Behavior of Crosslinked UHMWPE and its Influence on Clinical Fracture Failure of Orthopedic Implants ,” 54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 1679, San Francisco, CA, March 2008.
- Li, K. King, and L. Pruitt, “Nanoindentation Measurement in Articular Cartilage from an In-vivo Loading Model,” 54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA, March 2008.
- Furmanksi, E. Feest, and L. Pruitt, “ Static Mode Fatigue of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, Kauii, HI, December 2007.
- A. Atwood, A. Kilgour, M. Hoang, J. Furmanski and L. Pruitt, “Lamellar Orientation of Plastically Strained UltraHigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, Kauii, HI, December 2007.
- A. Atwood, J. Furmanski, M. Hoang, and L. Pruitt, “The relation of lamellar microstructure and mechanical properties to fatigue crack propagation behavior of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, Kauii, HI, December 2007.
- Li, K. King, and L. Pruitt, “Analysis of Force-Displacement Curves of Cartilage and Biomaterials,” 53rd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, CA, February 2007.
- Furmanski, S. Atwood, J. Tang, E. Feest, M. Hoang, and L. Pruitt, “Effect of a-Tocoperol on Fatigue Resistance of Cross-linked UHMWPE,” 53rd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, CA, February 2007. 95. J. Furmanski, S.R. Kane, S. Gupta and L. Pruitt, “Work in Progress: Problem-Based Learning and Assessment of Competence in an Engineering Biomaterials Course,” 36th ISEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego, CA October 2006.
- Li, K. King, and L. Pruitt, “Changes in Biomechanical Properties in Articular Cartilage due to Cyclic Loading,” Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Chicago, IL, October 2006.
- Kane and L. Pruitt, “PEGylation of UHMWPE to reduce mechanical adhesion,” American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, September 2006.
- Chakravartula, B. Ando, C.Li, S. Gupta and L. Pruitt, “Undergraduate Students Teaching Children: K-8 Outreach within the Core Engineering Curriculum,” Conference Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, 1310.1- 1310.14, Chicago, June 2006.
- Gaumer, J. Lannutti, A. Kohm, L. Pruitt, M. Ries, V. Ravula, T. Dey, and G. Li, “ New Technique for Evaluation of Retrieved Total Hip Arthroplasty,” Annual Meeting of the Society of Biomaterials, Pittsburgh, PA, April 2006.
- Pruitt, “ The Origins of Wear in Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene used in Total Joint Arthroplasty,” 13th International Meeting on the Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, Eindhoven, Netherlands, April 2006.
- Kohm, J. Fermanski, and L. Pruitt, “Effect of a -Tocopherol on UHMWPE Fatigue Resistance,” Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 662, Chicago, March 2006.
- Gundiah, M. Ratcliff, and L. Pruitt, “Role of Elastin and Collagen in Arterial Mechanics,” First International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials & Tissues, Waikoloa, HI, December 2005.
- Pruitt, C.Li, S. Gupta, and D. Coughlin, “Multiscale Mechanical Characterization of Cartilage and other Structural Tissues,” in Mechanical Behavior of Biological and Biomimetic Materials, Annual Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, December, 2005.
- Pruitt and A. Chakravartula, “Use of Interactive Exhibits in Undergraduate Curriculum to Provide Public Science Education to K-12,” Forum on Materials Science Education, Annual Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, December, 2005.
- Gundiah, M. Ratcliff, and L. Pruitt, “A Novel Constitutive Model for Arterial Elastin,” ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Vail, CO June 2005.
- M. Chakravartula, L. Pruitt, K. Komvopoulos, and A. Bellare, “Nanoscale Viscoelastic Properties of Microstructurally-modified UHMWPE,” Society of Biomaterials Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN. April, 2005.
- Li, S. Gupta, F. Carrillo, C. Puttlitz, and L. Pruitt “Nanoindentation and Unconfined Compression Characterization of Poly dimethyl siloxane,” Society of Biomaterials Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN. April, 2005.
- Coughlin and L. Pruitt, “Characterization of Arterial Calcifications Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Imaging,” Society of Biomaterials Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN. April, 2005.
- Pruitt, “The Role of Microstructure on the Fatigue and Fracture Properties of Medical Grade Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” International Conference on Fracture, Turin, IT, March 2005.
- Pruitt, “Morphological Analysis of Retrieved Cross-linked UHMWPE and Improved Microstructures for Enhanced Fatigue and Wear Performance,” Conference on UHMWPE for Arthroplasty: Degradation, Stabilization, and Crosslinking, Torino, IT, 121, March 2005.
- F Carrillo, S Gupta, L Pruitt, M Balloch, CM Puttlitz. “Nanoindentation validation of soft biomaterials.” 51st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Washington, D.C., February 20-23, 2005.
- Gundiah, D. Chang, P. Zhang, M. Ratcliffe, and L. Pruitt, “Structural and Mechanical Characteristics of Healing Myocardial Scar Tissue,” International Mechanical Engineering Congress Expo, Anaheim, Nov, 2004.
- Wang and L. Pruitt, “The Contribution of Elastin, Collagen and Smooth Muscle Cells to Residual Strains in Large Elastic Arteries,” International Mechanical Engineering Congress Expo, Anaheim, Nov, 2004.
- P. D. Elfick, K. Healy, T. Unsworth, and L. A. Pruitt, “The Importance of Protein Physisorption in BioMEMs/NEMs Applications: A Nanotribological Study,” Leeds-Lyon Tribology Conference, Lyon, September, 2004.
- Sherriff, A. Pelton, and L. Pruitt, “Effects of Hydrogen on the Fatigue Behavior of Nitinol,” Materials & Processes for Medical Devices Conference, ASM International, Minnesota, August 2004.
- M. Ebenstein, J. Fischer, C. Li, C.Puttlitz C and L. Pruitt, “Nano-DMA for Characterization of Viscoelastic Polymers and Biomaterials,” 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, May 2004.
- G. Coughlin and L. Pruitt, “Nanoindentation of Calcifications from Atherosclerotic Carotid Arteries,” 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, May 2004.
- Pruitt, C.Li, and K. King, “Nanoindentation Assessment of Rabbit Finger Cartilage,” 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, May 2004.
- Pruitt, K. Simis, A. Bistolfi, and A. Bellare, “The Effect of Microstructure on the Mechanical Properties of UHMWPE,” 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, May 2004.
- Pruitt, M. Sinha, D. Zeltser, and S. Gunther, “The Effects of In Vivo Damage on UHMWPE Glenoid Components,” 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, May 2004.
- P.D. Elfick, J. Zhao, K. Healy, A.Unsworth, and L. Pruitt, “ Biomolecular Boundary Lubrication of Total Joint Replacements,” 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, May 2004.
- Al-Marashi, E. Young, M.Gudiel, T. Petrie, A. Hetherington, P. Goldstein, D. Ebenstein, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Evaluation of Mechanical Degradation of Acrylic Bone Cement from Hip Arthroplasty Revision Surgery,” 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, May 2004.
- Pruitt, A. Chakravartula, K. Simis, A. Bistolfi, and A. Bellare, “Nano-scale Mechanical Properties of Microstructurally Modified UHMWPE,” 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, May 2004.
- P.D. Elfick, J. Zhao, K.E. Healy, A. Unsworth, and L. Pruitt, “Lateral Force Microscopy Study of Physisorbed Protein Boundary Lubrication at Low Contact Stresses, American Chemical Society, Anaheim, April (2004).
- Li, D.M. Ebenstein, K. King, and L. Pruitt, “Nanoindentation of Finger Joint Cartilage in a Fluid Cell,” 50th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2004.
- S. Simis, A. Bistolfi, A. Bellare, and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Behavior of Crosslinked UHMWPE with High Crystallinity,” 50th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2004.
- H. Al-Marashi, E.Y. Young, M. Gudiel, T.A. Petrie, A. Hetherington, P. Goldstein, D. Ebenstein, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Comprehensive Mechanical Evaluation of Acrylic Bone Cement in-vivo Degradation,” 50th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2004.
- Wang and L. Pruitt, “The Contribution of Elastin, Collagen and Smooth Muscle Cells to Residual Strain in Porcine Aorta,” Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, 6.P5.126, Oct 2003, Nashville, TN.
- Gundiah and L.Pruitt, “Biaxial Mechanical Properties of Elastin,” Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, 6.P5.138, Oct 2003, Nashville, TN.
- Ebenstein and L. Pruitt, “Nanoindentation as a Tool for Detection of Cartilage Degradation,” SEM Mechanics of Biological and Biologically Inspired Materials and Systems Conference, 16, October 2003, Springfield, MA
- Elfick, K. Healy, A. Unsworth, L. Pruitt, “Boundary Lubrication and Its Enhancement as a Paradigm for Improved Total Hip Replacement Performance,” 16th Annual Symposium for the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty, San Francisco, September 2003.
- M. Ebenstein, A. Kuo and J.J. Rodrigo, A.H. Reddi, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Nanoindentation as a Tool for Measuring Cartilage Repair Tissue Properties,” XIX Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, Dunedin, New Zealand, July 2003.
- Petrie, P. Goldstein, A. Heatherington, D. Ebenstein, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Assessment of In-Vivo Mechanical Degradation of Acrylic Bone Cement,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials,” 482, Reno, NV, April 2003. 134. D. Ebenstein, K. King, and L. Pruitt, “A Nanoindentation Technique for Measuring Mechanical Properties of Finger Joint Cartilage,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, 718, Reno, NV, April 2003.
- Chakravartula, Y. Zhou, K. Komvopoulos, and L. Pruitt, “Nanomechanical Analysis of Surface Properties and Early Wear Mechanisms in UHMWPE,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, 601, Reno, NV, April 2003.
- Simis, A. Bellare, A. Bistolfi and L. Pruitt, “‘The Effect of High Pressure Crystallisation and Crosslinking on the Fatigue Crack Inception Behaviour of Medical Grade Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” 12th International Conference on the Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, 69-72, April 2003, Cambridge, UK.
- McKenna, D. Rondinone, and L. Pruitt, “A Three Dimensional Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Orthopaedic Grade UHMWPE,” 12th International Conference on the Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, 69-72, April 2003, Cambridge, UK.
- Simis, A. Chawan, L. Collons, M. Ries, L. Pruitt, “Analysis of Early Wear Mechanisms in Retrieved Highly Crosslinked Acetabular Liners,” Annual meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, 1417, New Orleans, February (2003). 139. L. Collons, J. Graham, A. Chawan, M. Ries, L. Pruitt, “ Mechanisms of Fatigue in Highly Crosslinked UHMWPE,” Annual meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, 1424, New Orleans, February (2003).
- D M. Rondinone, L A. Pruitt, G.B. McKenna, “A Three-dimensional Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for UHMWPE used in Medical Implants,” Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October (2002).
- Pruitt, “A Study of Structural Degradation Schemes in Acrylic Bone Cements,” National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston (2002)
- Ebenstein, J. Chapman, C. Li, D. Coughlin, J. Rapp, D. Saloner, L. Pruitt, “Nanomechanical and Biochemical Properties of Diseased Artery Tissue”, World Congress of Biomechanics, 1084, Calgary (2002).
- Wang, N. Gundiah, L.Pruitt, “The Contribution of Elastin and Collagen to Residua Strain in Porcine Aorta,” World Congress of Biomechanics, 43, Calgary (2002).
- Hsu; D. Ebenstein; A. Issever, L. Pruitt, S. Majumdar, “Investigation of Structure-Property Relationships in Human Femoral Trabelcular Bone,” World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary (2002).
- Chawan, A. Chakravartula, J. Zhou, M. Ries, L. Pruitt, K. Komvopoulos, “Combined Effects of Crosslink Density and Conformity on the Tribological Performance of Medical-Grade Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” Materials Research Society, Spring Annual Meeting, San Francisco (2002).
- Ebenstein, CM Puttlitz, and L. Pruitt, “A Novel Technique for Measuring Murine Fracture Callus Mechanical Properties Using Nanoindentation,” 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Tampa (2002).
- Wang, N. Gundiah, L. Pruitt, “The Contribution of Elastin to Residual Strains in Porcine Aorta,” 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Tampa (2002).
- Graham, M.Ries, L. Pruitt, “Initial Crack Length and Volume Fraction Effects on Fracture Toughness at Bone/Cement Interface,” 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Tampa (2002).
- Bradford-Collons, D. Baker, J. Graham, A. Chawan, M. Ries, L. Pruitt+ “Crosslinked Polyethylene Shows Evidence of Wear and Fatigue: A Retrieval Study of Durasul Liners,” 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Tampa (2002).
- Ebenstein and L. Pruitt, “Adaptation of Nanoindentation Apparatus for the Study of Nanomaterials Using Blunt Indenters,” 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Tampa (2002).
- Chapman, D. Ebenstein, C. Li, and L. Pruitt, “Quantification of Calcification, Fibrous and Lipid Content in Atherosclerotic Plaque Using FTIR”, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Tampa (2002).
- Li, D. Ebenstein, C. Xu, Chapman, J., Saloner, D., Rapp, J., and L. Pruitt, “Biochemical Characterization of Atherosclerotic Plaques Using FTIR Spectroscopy and Histology,” 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Tampa (2002).
- Chawan, S. Gunther, T. Norris, M. Ries, L. Pruitt, “Correlating Shelf Life to In-Vivo Performance of Retrieved UHMWPE Glenoid Components,” 48th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, February (2002), Dallas.
- Bellare, M. Turrell, P. Ganesan, A. Gomoll, W. Fitz, D. Baker, L. Pruitt, R. Scott, and T. Thornhill, “Mechanisms of Crack Propagation in a Conventional and Nanocomposite Bone Cement,” 48th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, February 2002, Dallas.
- Graham, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Fracture Toughness of the Trabecular Bone/Cement Interface Sensitive to Initial Crack Length,” 48th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, February 2002, Dallas.
- Pruitt, D. Ebenstein, J. Wang, N. Gundiah, “ Biomechanical Analysis of Vascular Tissue”, American Heart Association, Young Investigators Forum, September 2001, Los Angeles.
- Ebenstein, J Chapman, C Li, D. Saloner, J Rapp, and L. Pruitt, “Assessing structure-property relations of diseased tissues using nanoindentation and FTIR”, Annual Meeting Materials Research, December (2001), Boston. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 711 47-52 (2002).
- Pruitt, “Cyclic Damage in Medical Grade Polymers used in Orthopedics,” 10th International Congress of Fracture, December 2001, Honolulu, HI.
- Bellare, A. Gomoll, W. Fitz, D. Baker, L.Pruitt, R. Scott, and T. Thornhill, “Fatigue Performance of a New Nanocomposite Surgical Cement,” 4th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies of the USA, Canada, Europe and Japan, June 2001, 232, Rhodes, Greece.
- Graham, M. Ries, L. Pruitt, “Cement Penetration Depth Significantly Affects Fracture Toughness at the Trabecular Bone/Cement Interface,” 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials,” 206, April 2001, Saint Paul, MN.
- Ebenstein, C. Li, K. Hughes, C Xu, and L. Pruitt, “Biochemical Characterization of Atherosclerotic Plaques using Spectroscopic and Histological Methods,” 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials,” 21, April 2001, Saint Paul, MN.
- Ebenstein, L. Kuhn, and L. Pruitt, “Nanoindentation of Hydrated Viscoelastic Materials,” 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials,” 304, April 2001, Saint Paul, MN.
- Graham, M. Ries and L. Pruitt, “Trabecular Orientation, Bone Porosity and Cement Pressure Significantly Affect Fracture Toughness at the Trabecular Bone/Cement Interface,” 47th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society,1038, February 2001, San Francisco.
- Gunther, J. Graham, T. Norris, M. Ries, and L.Pruitt, “A Quantitative Evaluation of Surface Damage in Retrieved Total Shoulder Prostheses,” 47th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, 780, February 2001, San Francisco.
- Bellare, A. Gomoll, W. Fitz, D. Baker, L.Pruitt, R. Scott, and T. Thornhill, “Using Nanotechnology to Improve the Fatigue Performance of Acrylic Bone Cement,” 47th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, 182, February 2001, San Francisco.
- A. Nauman D. Ebenstein, K. Hughes, B. P. Halloran, D. Bikle, L. Pruitt, and T.M. Keaveny, “The Effect of bGlycerophosphate on the Chemical and Mechanical Character of Mineral Produced by Bone Cells In Vitro,” 47th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, 504, February 2001, San Francisco.
- Bellare, A. Gomoll, W. Fitz, R. Scott, and T. Thornhill, D. Baker, L.Pruitt, , “Structure and Properties of a New Nano-Composite Poly(methylmethacrylate) Bone Cement,” Annual Meeting, Materials Research Society December 2000, Boston.
- M. Jackson, D. Rondinone, R. Meyer, and L. Pruitt, The Effect of Cyclic Loading and Sterilization on the Strain Recovery Behavior of Orthopedic Grade Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene, 12th European Conference on Biomechanics, 227, August 2000, Dublin, Ireland.
- Pruitt, “Characterization of Sub-micron Mechanical Behavior and Fracture Processes of Polymers and Biomaterials,” 13th European Conference on Fracture, European Structural Integrity Society, 180-185, September 2000, San Sebastian, Spain.
- Baker and L. Pruitt, “A Comparison of Total Life and Defect Tolerant Fatigue Characterization of Medical Grade UHMWPE,” 6th World Biomaterials Congress, 1116, May 2000, Kamuela, HI.
- Gundiah, J. Graham, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Life of Acrylic Bone Cement: The Relative Effects of Mixing, Sterilization Method, and Molecular Weight,” 6th World Biomaterials Congress, 414, May 2000, Kamuela, HI.
- Klapperich, L.P. Lee, and L. Pruitt, “Micro-patterning of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” 6th World Biomaterials Congress, 1233, May 2000, Kamuela, HI.
- Hughes, B. Pelletier, A. Stutz, J. Graham, A. Lawrence, M.Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Artificial Aging of Acrylic Bone Cements,” 6th World Biomaterials Congress, 1456, May 2000, Kamuela, HI.
- Ebenstein, L. Kuhn, A. Lundkvist, and L. Pruitt, “Differentiation of Mechanical Properties of Vascular Plaque Constituents using Nanomechanical Methods,” 6th World Biomaterials Congress, 531, May 2000, Kamuela, HI.
- Klapperich, H. Huszar, S. Niedzwiecki and L. Pruitt, “Biocompatibility and Chemical Stability of Plasma Modified UHMWPE Surfaces,” 6th World Biomaterials Congress, 1517, May 2000, Kamuela, HI.
- M. Klapperich, K. Komvopoulos, and L. Pruitt, “Nanoindentation Experiments to Probe the Surface Properties of Plasma Treated Polyethylenes,” Materials Research Society, 446, April 2000, San Francisco.
- A. Baker, A. Bellare, L. Pruitt, Fatigue Analysis of Crosslinked UHMWPE: An Evaluation of Resistance to Initiation and Propagation of Flaws at Varying Crosslink Densities, 11th International Conference on the Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, 69-72, April 2000, Cambridge, UK.
- M. Klapperich, A. Bellare, K. Komvopoulos, and L. Pruitt, “Sub-Micron Scale Indentation Characterization of Orthopedic Polymers: The Effect of Crosslink Density and Morphology on the Hardness and Elastic Properties of Polyethylene,” 11th International Conference on the Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, 438-441, April 2000, Cambridge, UK.
- Pruitt, D. Baker, and A. Bellare, “Quantitative Method to Detect Micro-Sized Flaws in UHMWPE due to Fatigue Damage,” Transactions of 46th annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, 540, March, 2000. Orlando.
- Graham, N. Gundiah, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “Combined Effects of Sterilization and Mixing Methods on the Fracture Toughness of Acrylic Bone Cement,” Transactions of 46th annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, 663, March, 2000. Orlando.
- Pelletier, K. Hughes, S. Muller, L.Pruitt, and M. Ries, “An FTIR Study of In-vivo Structural Evolution in Acrylic Bone Cements Due to Aging,” 387, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, April, 1999. Providence.
- Niedzwiecki, J. Short, S. Jani, W. Sauer, L. Pruitt, and M. Ries, “Isolation of UHMWPE Wear Debris: A Comparison of Three Viable Methods,” 150, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, April, 1999. Providence.
- J. Crane, L. Pruitt, S. M. Kurtz, C.M. Rimnac, and A.A. Edidin, “Plasticity Induced Damage Layer and Lamellar Alignment Detected in UHMWPE: A Comparison of Retrievals and Simulator Components,” 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, 516, April, 1999. Providence.
- J. Crane, L. Pruitt,.T. Baldini, C.M. Rimnac, and T.M. Wright,” Microstructural Alignment is Induced Around Crack Tips in Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” 510, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, April, 1999. Providence.
- M. Kurtz, C.W. Jewett, D.J. Crane, L. Pruitt, J.R. Foulds, and A.A. Edidin, Effect of Peroxide and Radiation Crosslinking on the Strain Hardening Behavior and Molecular Alignment of UHMWPE, 516, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, April, 1999. Providence.
- M. Kurtz, C.W. Jewett, D.J. Crane, L. Pruitt, J.R. Foulds, and A.A. Edidin, “Radiation and Peroxide Crosslinking Promotes Strain Hardening Behavior and Molecular Alignment in UHMWPE under Multiaxial Loading Conditions,” 842, Transactions of 45th annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, February, 1999. Anaheim.
- Pelletier, K. Hughes, N. Gundiah, S. Muller, L. Pruitt, and M. Ries, “A Study of the In-Vivo Molecular Degradation of Acrylic Bone Cements used in Cemented Total Joint Arthroplasty,” 285, Transactions of the 45th annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, February, 1999. Anaheim.
- Baker, D. Coughlin, and L. Pruitt, “The Role of Crosslinking on the Body Temperature Fatigue Performance of UHMWPE: An Evaluation of Chemical and Radiation Crosslinked Resins Subjected to Accelerated Aging,”102, Transactions of 45th annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, February, 1999. Anaheim.
- Klapperich, S. Niedzwiecki, L. Pruitt, and M. Ries, “Surface Area and Sterilization Method Affect Fluid Sorption of Medical Grade UHMWPE: Implications for Simulator Studies,” 828, Transactions of the 45th annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, February, 1999. Anaheim.
- Ries, B. Pelletier, K. Hughes, O. Hovic, F. Snorrason, S. Muller, and L. Pruitt,, “In-Vivo Degradation of Acrylic Bone Cement in Total Hip Arthroplasty,” 513, Transactions of the 66h annual Meeting, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, February, 1999. Anaheim.
- Klapperich, K. Komvopoulos, and L. Pruitt, “Plasma Surface Modification of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene for Improved Tribological Properties,” in Biomedical Materials for Drug Delivery, Medical Implants, and Tissue Engineering , 331-336, (1999). Presented at the Fall Annual Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston.December, 1998.
- P. Lee, S.A. Berger, L. Pruitt, and D. Liepmann, “Key Elements of Microfluidic Systems Development Based on Transparent Fluoropolymers,” 3rd International Symposium on µ-TAS, Banff, Alberta, Canada. October, 245-248,1998. 193. B. Pelletier, J. Graham, M. Goldman, S. Muller, M. Ries, and L. Pruitt, “The Effect of Sterilization and Aging on the Molecular Properties of Acrylic Bone Cement,” Society for Biomaterials 24th annual Meeting, 286 (1998). San Diego. 194. D. Baker, D. Coughlin and L. Pruitt, “The Effect Accelerated Aging and Sterilization Method on the Fatigue Resistance of UHMWPE at Body Temperature: A Comparison of GUR4150 and Hylamer-M,” Society for Biomaterials 24th annual Meeting, 122 (1998). San Diego.
- M. Kurtz, C.W. Jewett, D. Crane, L. Pruitt, J.R. Foulds, and A.A. Edidin, “Ultimate Properties and Crystalline Morphology of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene During Uniaxial and Biaxial Tension,” Society for Biomaterials 24th annual Meeting, 125 (1998). San Diego.
- Crane, S. Kurtz, L. Pruitt, and A.A. Edidin, “Structural Evolution in UHMWPE Due to Accelerated Thermal Aging After Gamma Radiation in Air versus Nitrogen: The Effect of Heating Rates,” Society for Biomaterials 24th annual Meeting, 503 (1998). San Diego.
- Kurtz, D. Crane, L. Pruitt, and A.A. Edidin, “Degradation Rate During Accelerated Thermal Aging of UHMWPE after Gamma Sterilization in Air and Nitrogen,” 44th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, 788 (1998). New Orleans.
- Goldman, B. Pelletier, S. Muller, M. Ries and L. Pruitt, “Comparison of the Effects of Sterilization Techniques on Acrylic Bone Cement: Implications for Mechanical Failure of Total Joint Replacements,” 44th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, 217 (1998). New Orleans.
- Goldman, R. Gronsky, G.G. Long, D. Baker and L. Pruitt, “The Effects of Oxidation and Sterilization on the Structure and Properties of UHMWPE,” Fall Annual Meeting of the Materials Research Society (1997). Boston.
- Klapperich, D. Crane, K. Komvopoulos and L. Pruitt, “The Effect of Physiological Loads on the Texture Evolution of UHMWPE,” Fall Annual Meeting of the Materials Research Society (1997). Boston.
- Pruitt, “Fatigue Fracture Mechanisms of Advanced Polymers”, invited paper in the 7th International Conference on Fracture, 729 (1997). Sydney.
- Bailey, D. Baker, D. Crane, M. Goldman, and L. Pruitt, “The Effect of Molecular Structure and Processing Variables on the Fatigue Performance of Medical Grade Polyethylenes,” in the The 10th International Conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers 290-293 (1997). The Institute of Materials, London.
- Pruitt, L. Bailey, and R. Nassiri, “The Role of Manufacturing Process on the Fatigue Crack Propagation Resistance of Medical Grade Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” in the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 790 (1997). San Francisco.
- Lundkvist, E. Lilleoden, W. Siekhaus, J. Kinney, L.Pruitt, and M. Balooch, “Viscoelastic Properties of Healthy Human Artery Measured in Saline Solution by an AFM-Based Indentation Technique” in Conference Proceedings of the Materials Research Society:Thin Films- Stress and Mechanical Properties, 436, 353-358 San Francisco (1996).
- Goldman, M. Lee, L.Pruitt, and R. Gronsky, “A Comparison of Sterilization Techniques on the Structure and Morphology of Medical Grade UHMWPE” in The Transactions of the 5th International Biomaterials Congress, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 189, (1996).
- Ranganathan, M. Goldman, and L.Pruitt, “Effect of Sterilization on the Structure and Fatigue Resistance of UHMWPE” in Mechanics of Plastics and Plastic Composites, ASME IMECE, edited by Mary Boyce, 68, 23-26, (1995). ASME IMECE, San Francisco.
- Rondinone and L.Pruitt, “The Effect of Specimen Thickness on Near-Tip Stresses Ahead of Fatigue Cracks” in Mechanics of Plastics and Plastic Composites, ASME IMECE, edited by Mary Boyce, 68, 27-30, (1995). ASME IMECE, San Francisco.
- Goldman, R. Ranganathan, L. Pruitt, R. Gronsky “Characterization of Structure and Fatigue Resistance of Aged and Irradiated Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,” in 21st Annual Meeting of the Society For Biomaterials, 110, (1995). Published by Society for Biomaterials, Minneapolis.
- Pruitt, “Cyclic Near Tip Stress Fields in Amorphous Polymers”, in Proceedings of the 31st Annual Society of Engineering Science Conference, edited by D. Allen and D. Lagoudos, 366 (1994).
- Pruitt, “Cyclic Deformation Mechanisms in Polymer Composites”, in The International Conference on Composites Engineering, edited by D. Hui, New Orleans, 409-410 (1994).
- Pruitt and S. Suresh, “Cyclic Near-Tip Stresses for Fatigue Cracks in Polymers: In situ Measurements, Crack-tip Microscopy and Applications”, in The 9th International Conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, edited by R. J. Young, et al., 38-1-1-38/4 , (1994). The Institute of Materials, London.
- Pruitt, C. Bull and S. Suresh, “Fatigue Crack Tip Damage and Stress Fields in Polymers and Polymeric Composites”, in Fatigue’93, edited by Jean-Paul Bailon, 3, 1349-1354, Montreal, Canada (1993).
- Pruitt, J. Koo, C. Rimnac, S. Suresh and T. Wright, “Compression Fatigue of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene and its Implications for Total Joint Replacements” in the Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, (1993). ORS, San Francisco.
- Suresh and L. Pruitt, “Fatigue Crack Growth in Polymers and Organic Composites under Cyclic Compressive Loads”, in The 8th International Conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, edited by R. J. Young, et al., 32-1-324, (1991). The Plastics and Rubber Institute, London. O. J. Gregory, E.E. Crisman, L. Pruitt, D. Hymes and J. J. Rosenberg, “Electrical Characterization of Some Native Insulators on Germanium”, Materials Research Society Proceedings, 76, 307-311, (1987).